
The Codgers Early Spring Day Out

Chatton Codgers Report – 26th March 2024

Codgers on Chatton Lake 26th March 2024
Synchronised Casting (almost!)

Well another good turnout on a bitterly cold day at Chatton Lakes in late March (will it ever warm up ?) 14 anglers mastered the conditions with no blanks and a rod average of 6. Just shows there is no substitute for experience! Buzzers, worms and even some dries were doing the business at various depths across all lakes.

Many thanks to all of you who turned up. It was good laugh as usual – our next one is at Chatton again on Tuesday 23rd April.

Thanks again too to our hosts Roger and Lauren for their hospitality.

About the Chatton Codgers

The Chatton Codgers is a group of anglers from Northumberland and the Borders who get together occasionally for a day’s fishing. Many of the anglers are retired, semi-retired or just dreaming about retirement! The idea of our get togethers is to have more of a focus on the social of side of things, with a little bit of friendly competition from time to time. Alec Harvey has kindly produced (and directed!) a YouTube video of one of our days at Chatton to give an insight into a typical day out.

Anyone interested in coming along to any of our meets is more than welcome. We are quite a friendly bunch! Just get in touch with Stewart Younger beforehand via his Facebook page.

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