
Latest Fishing Report

The key to success at the moment remains fishing deep and moving regularly.

With localised temperature differentials around all three lakes, the fish are cuddling up into very small areas. More than at any time of year.
When you find them, fishing can be quite easy with some great catches, but there are areas that clearly hold very little. Even a few yards from the hotspots. Don’t linger if you’ve had no takes.

It’s good to see Ross Lake back on form with John Pringle getting nearly all his 18 fish from it on Shimmies. Tom Snowden had 7 of his 9 fish from here as well. Bloodworms fished deep. Not the only angler to catch on this fly recently.

David Parker had 21 from all three lakes mixing between 12ft indicator/ Cheesy Minnow and slowly retrieved Black Bunny. Peter Davison and Rob Frame had a good day with nearly 20 between them. Chatton and Ross Lakes being best for them. Comments once again – deep down.

Saturday morning saw Chatton lake with ice in the middle but still 90% fishable. The top two lakes remained ice free up to Sunday night. The forecast for the next week looks like blue sky and more settled conditions, if a bit chilly.

The sunny days of winter are some of the nicest times of year to fish. Come and warm up in the Lodge, where the fire is always on and there’s hot soup on tap.

If ice does form, make sure you fish down the edges as the fish can often be underneath. Cast onto the ice and gently pull the fly so it drops in as close as possible. Unweighted or lightly weighted Snakes/Bunny Leeches on fast sinking lines left to sink will work, or bung 10-12ft down with Eggs or Eggstacy Worms.

Better areas have been the Dam Wall and 3rd finger of Chatton Lake, the far bank of Dunnydeer and the neck of Ross Lake also worth a look. These spots are changing by the day as fish move to more comfortable areas of the lake as the water mixes.

Following the success of the shorter fly fishing lessons with Davie Parker and Stuart Ingledew Fly Fishing at the weekend, we are going to do these as a regular thing. Next day for the shorter lessons is 25th Jan, but you can book full days on other days.

Can’t wait to see you soon.

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