
Chatton Cadence Codgers Late Spring Gathering

Another good social get together with most of the 15 anglers catching fish – 56 netted. The wind direction had changed to a north easterly overnight and was quite strong (and cold!) So the plan for day on dries soon disappeared. It was good to see three new faces including Tom Jones and David Armstrong. Thanks again to our hosts, Roger and Lauren for their hospitality. Thanks too to all who attended – we even saw couple of Thrunton codgers wetting a line!

Next up – Chatton Cadence Codgers on tour on Tuesday 28th May at Sweethope Lough Fly Fishing.

For a change we will try a day on the boat with bank fishing also available. 7 boats have been reserved for day, with an option of more if needed. There will be a discount of £5 on whatever ticket you choose. There is small lodge for lunchtime with tea and coffee freely available. Lisa is looking into getting a microwave to heat any food you wish to bring. Same format as before – meet up in car park, the usual banter, fish whichever ticket you want, and more banter at lunchtime.

This is good opportunity to try a day at one of the country’s most scenic and best dry fly waters. Anyone interested, please get in touch with Stewart Younger via his Facebook page.

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